
We're sorry to hear you've run into an issue with your boat. Using the form below, please provide us with all necessary information about your issue to help us understand what is happening. Our team will review the issue and provide you with next steps on how we can help resolve the problem or replace malfunctioning components. To review common issues we are currently reviewing, see open cases below.
Sunsation offers a variety of parts and components for aftermarket installation. Whether you're working with our dealer network, or doing a self-installation, please use the form below to request parts and a member of our team will contact you to discuss pricing and availability.
Common issues identified that are currently under review include:
Lewmar Anchor Rode
Issue identified:
July 2022
Under Evaluation
Issue Summary:
Lewmar anchor rode getting bound up and line being chewed up when in use.
Next steps:
Working with vendor to address issue and replace malfunctioning components.
Please submit the form below if you are experiencing issues with your Lewmar anchor system. For additional support in regards to warranty claims for Lewmar anchor systems, please reach out to Jeremy Schaldenbrand by calling 810-794-4888.
Starboard Battery Draw
Issue identified:
August 2022
Issue Summary:
A parasitic draw on the starboard battery is draining the battery. We have identified two solutions to resolving this issue.
Solution A (November 2022):
Periodically clean the sensor housing with a mild detergent to remove any build-up that may interfere with the proper operation of the bilge pump. If the sensor accumulates excessive build-up, the pump will enter the timer mode. Pump will cycle every 2.5 minutes to sense for water. Once the debris is removed, the pump will return to level sense mode.
Solution B (May 2023):
After extensive testing, we determined that a component on the bilge pumps is triggering pumps to kick on when the boat is not in use and in result, draining the starboard battery.
See video here.
If this did not correct your issue, please reach out to Jeremy Schaldenbrand by calling 810-794-4888.
JL Audio RGB LED Controller
Issue identified:
August 2022
Issue Summary:
JL Audio RGB LED controller does not allow Red and Green to be selected.
Please submit the form below if the video above did not solve your issue. For additional support in regards to support or warranty claims for LED controllers, please reach out to Jeremy Schaldenbrand by calling 810-794-4888.
Pinking Interior
Issue identified:
July 2023
Under Review
Issue Summary:
White Interior pinking/mold issues.
Please submit the form below if the video above did not solve your issue. For additional support in regards to support or warranty claims, please reach out to Jeremy Schaldenbrand by calling 810-794-4888.
Submit a Warranty, Support, or Parts request: